CHETRA recognises the fundamental human rights of people around the world, and we respect and protect our business partners’ and employees’ privacy and personality rights. Among other things, CHETRA respects other cultures and beliefs and promotes the intercultural exchange of ideas in its business relationships.
As a global company, CHETRA works with employees and business partners with different nationalities, cultures and ways of thinking. All unlawful differential treatment (discrimination), harassment and belittling treatment is prohibited. Inter alia, all forms of discrimination are prohibited that are based on ethnic origin, sex, gender, age, religion, disability or ideology.
All forms of harassing behaviour, including, but not limited to, bullying, insults, physical assaults and sexual harassment, must be avoided.
Internal matters that have not been, or are not, made public shall be treated confidentially, as shall inventions, know-how or other trade secrets related to business or technology. New findings and trade secrets may not be passed on to third parties in any shape or form. This shall also apply to the period after an employment relationship comes to an end.
It is not permitted to gain personal advantage for oneself or for others using internal company knowledge. The same applies to the unauthorised disclosure of this type of insider knowledge.
Marsstraße 1
85551 Heimstetten b. München
Phone: +49 (0)89 32 94 64 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)89 32 94 64 – 20
Email: chetra@chetra.de
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